Interesting articles

In this section you will find the main news related to the GIE Group, we will present success stories, we will tell you about our active participation in conferences and exhibitions, and we will publish information of general interest to our clients.

Ensayo No Destructivo en Ductos mediante la utilización Ondas Guiadas
Non-Destructive Testing in Ducts using Guided Waves.

In the following article, we will explore an innovative and effective technique used in the field of non-destructive testing: Non-Destructive Testing of pipelines using Guided Waves or Long-Range Ultrasonic Testing (LRUT).

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Modelado Numérico Vinculado a Análisis de Falla - Segunda Entrega
Numerical Modeling Linked to Failure Analysis - Second Ed.

Interest Publication: Numerical Modeling Linked to Failure Analysis (2nd ed). Application Examples

In this Second Delivery, its author, Anibal Marquez, presents us with the various uses that Finite Element Analysis (FEA) can have, which is commonly widely used in the design and manufacturing stages to make decisions that optimize the cost-benefit relationship.

The central topic of this publication, the use of FEA (Finite Element Analysis) in failure analysis, is then addressed, including its characteristics, implications, and peculiarities.

Finally, three application examples are presented, illustrating the variety of situations where the assistance of FEM is indispensable for the conclusion of the Failure Analysis.

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Modelado Numérico Vinculado a Análisis de Falla - Primera Entrega
Numerical Modeling Linked to Failure Analysis

Numerical modeling is a technique that uses mathematical models to represent phenomena in science and engineering. The models are expressed in differential equations and are numerically solved due to the complexity of analytical solutions.

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Normas de Calidad y Certificaciones

GIE GROUP desarrolla sus actividades encuadradas en el Sistema integrado de Gestión (SGI) el cual responde a las Normas ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015, adicionalmente en GIE Perú se ha certificado la norma ISO 45001:2018. Acceder a nuestros certificados en el Siguiente Link. GIE GROUP ha sido certificada Great Place to Work®.

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