Interesting articles

In this section, you will find key articles of interest developed by specialists and engineers covering a wide range of topics, including software applications in asset management, notes on asset reliability and integrity, inspection and monitoring, and IoT applications.

Confiabilidad y Extensión de Vida útil de Mangueras Marinas
Reliability and Service Life Extension of Marine Hoses

Hydrocarbon hoses are critical components in Oil&Gas that require regular certification. Learn through this article about recertification services that extend their service life up to 5 years.

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Optimización de la Seguridad en Sistemas de Transporte de Hidrocarburos
Optimization of Safety in Hydrocarbon Transportation Systems

In this study, GIE GROUP specialists developed an interdisciplinary approach to enhance the safety of hydrocarbon transportation systems. Through advanced analyses such as HAZOP and LOPA, critical risks in pipeline infrastructure are identified and mitigated, ensuring safer and more reliable operations.

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Evaluación de inhibidores de corrosión - Primera Entrega
Corrosion Inhibitor Evaluation - First Part

Corrosion inhibitors are chemical products that are added in small quantities to pipeline systems to protect them against corrosion. They work by slowing down anodic/cathodic reactions or creating a protective layer that isolates the metal from contact with the corrosive electrolyte.

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Análisis de integridad de tuberías y conexiones de pequeño diámetro
Integrity analysis of small diameter pipes and connections

Small diameter pipes and connections represent a critical challenge in industrial asset management, commonly known as the "Small bore, big problem." These components are prone to fatigue failure due to vibrations, especially at connection points with geometric discontinuities.

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Normas de Calidad y Certificaciones

GIE GROUP desarrolla sus actividades encuadradas en el Sistema integrado de Gestión (SGI) el cual responde a las Normas ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015, adicionalmente en GIE Perú se ha certificado la norma ISO 45001:2018. Acceder a nuestros certificados en el Siguiente Link. GIE GROUP ha sido certificada Great Place to Work®.

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